Mindset Coaching

What defines YOU as an athlete?

Strength? Grit? Determination? Speed?

What about your mindset, your motivation, and your inner strength? In other words, your resilience. 

The understanding of athletics and mental health has broadened, and it is now clear that resilience is not an inborn trait, but is rather an acquired skill. As a therapist, personal coach, running coach, and athlete, Danielle has witnessed and experienced the immense power that mindset has to make or break athletic performance.   

Here’s what’s important to understand:

  • What do you believe about yourself?

  • What are your strengths?

  • What is the self-talk in your head (negative and positive)?

Instead of focusing purely on the outcome of a race or event, Danielle works with her clients to examine the qualities and behaviors that help them to overcome the difficult moments.

Using 4 Core Principles she guides athletes away from negative self-talk and towards a strength-based self-image that increases resiliency and drive for being a successful, focused athlete.

The mental training offered by Danielle’s program allows her clients to see a bad race as a learning experience, a hard game becomes a path to introspection, an injury as a way to greater self-reflection. Danielle believes her clients have the ability to make their athletic performances experiences of a lifetime. As their understandings of themselves and their sport deepen, so does their appreciation for their skill and talent.

With Danielle’s support, you will say hello to a stronger you. The you that has been waiting to emerge….. 

4 Core Principles

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    Mindfulness and Meditation

    Research has continually shown that guided imagery, mindfulness and meditation decreases stress hormone within the body, improves performance and helps athletes overcome hardships in life and in their sports. By practicing in the mind how to overcome certain situations (whether athletic or in difficult areas of your life), you can develop different coping skills to manage emotions during intense, important events. If athletes practice how to perform during crisis situations, the response becomes second nature. Furthermore, these new skills adapted through sports can be translated into everyday life.

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    Resiliency Training Map

    With the client, we will complete an inventory of strengths and resources – highlighting the already present resilience within the athlete. Together, we will develop a practical “map.” This map traces the positive impact of our athletic ability, achievements and perceived failures.

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    Cognitive Behavioral Thinking

    It is common for many athletes to have negative self-beliefs; many struggle with depression, anxiety, negative self-talk with the overwhelming attempts to succeed. This impacts their ability overcome adversity on the field and in their lives. Often, we are not even aware of how we talk to ourselves during times of struggle. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a systematic approach used to challenge negative self-beliefs, reframing your thoughts to believe that you are doing the best you can.

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    Dialectical Behavioral Thinking

    DBT is a set of skill developed for mindfulness. These include: emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. These skills are essential in high stress sporting events. More broadly, these skills will aid athletes in overcoming challenges in life. DBT skills help manage common mental challenges athletes face – negative comparisons and negative self talk. Instead, the focus shifts towards how the individual can better confront challenging situations.

 Why Would an Athlete Need a Mindset Coach?

Athletes often spend tons of money on physically training their bodies and ignore the importance of enhancing and growing their mindset with specific tools. Athletes are asking their body to perform at high levels that pushes their limits. If athletes are unable to be resilient in their mindset, when attempting to overcome a challenge or if they cannot believe in themselves when sessions are tough, they are unable to witness their full potential or grow from hardships.

Athletes (and people in general) are fighting against their own biology with mindset. Our brains are programmed to see the negative, as a function of survival. With coaches like Danielle and Erika, athletes can start to question these negative assumptions and exchange those negative narratives for one's focused on growth and positive change. By nature, humans are drawn into community.

Our coaching and wellness community highlights this positive growth mindset so that athletes and others can find that support and positive examples that provide inspiration and motivation.

Check out our collection of workouts and trainings.

From hundreds of training hours between the sisters, Erika and Danielle offer collections of videos that range from running warm ups and cool downs, to best practice lifting form, yoga and meditation and cooking for athletes. From running workouts and strength training to meal plans and recipes, check out our collection of training videos. From beginner to professional, from flexible to needing work, there is a video for every need.

Come on in and transform into your best self!

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